Harness the power of elastic search

If your company is looking to do more with data, Elastic and Industrial Resolution can help. With tools for search, analysis, visualization, reporting, and security - there are solutions for all data needs.

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Optimize Your Elastic Consumption Without Compromising Performance

Our Elastic Consumption Optimization engagement helps you streamline operations, improve performance, and eliminate waste. Our Elastic-certified engineers specialize in analyzing clusters, identifying inefficiencies, and providing actionable insights to right-size your deployment and maximize value—without sacrificing performance.



 Our Elastic Certified engineers can engage in a number of ways depending on the maturity of your Elastic implementation. Our implementation and optimization services are available for those that are just getting started with Elastic data solutions, or those taking their implementation to the next level and looking to scale up. If you have the resources to do the work in-house, but want the guidance of our certified experts, an Architecture Consultation can help your team get started or take an existing project to the next level.

Health Check

With the Health Check & Architectural Review package, IR Engineers are tasked with determining your cluster’s architectural adherence to best practices and its overall health. Armed with this information, we can make well-informed decisions on how to optimize the health of your Elastic implementation. The data gleaned from the Health Check & Architectural Review will be used to draft a Recommendations Report regarding the best path toward a stable, fast, and cost-effective cluster that falls in-line with best practices.

Version Upgrades

With the Elastic Version Upgrade package, your cluster will be reviewed for stability and upgrade feasibility. This information will be used by the IR Engineer to provide you with a recommendations plan, which will outline the ideal version for your upgrade in addition to any other considerations you may need to be aware of. Following your approval of our plan, the target cluster will be upgraded to the version outlined within our recommendations.


With the Elastic Performance Tuning Package, first your cluster will be reviewed for current performance and functionality. Second, your expectations for how your Elastic installation should operate and perform will be documented. This information will be used by the IR Engineer to provide you with a recommendations plan, which will outline the ideal solution for your tuning in addition to any other considerations you may need to be aware of. Since cluster tuning is an iterative process, the IR engineer will be working closely with you to identify sources of trouble and test the potential solutions throughout the project.

Certified Elastic Engineers