
2019 was a year of strong growth for Indy Res.  Now the team is gearing up for a thrilling 2020!  Here is a quick taste of what's to come:

  • First and foremost, the calendar is filling up with several new projects with manufacturing, construction and distribution companies in South Central Pennsylvania which are innovating on ways to streamline their internal processes (for example data collection and reporting) or improve their customers experience through automation (think customer inventory tracking and product ordering).  Keep an eye out for exciting new client announcements in the coming months

  • In 2019 we formalized a partnership with Elasticsearch.  Having one of the few Certified Elastic Engineers on the East Coast has enabled us to deliver leading edge data search and analytics solutions to our customers.  In 2020 we’ll be forming additional partnerships with innovative tech solutions that deliver value for our customers - keep an eye out for more on our AWS partnership coming soon!


  • With all this excitement around here, we're happy to share that Industrial Resolution is hiring.  These new projects are challenging us to grow our team and skill sets, so if you know any software developers looking for their next challenge, send them our way!

It’s an extremely exciting time to be on the inside track of innovative tech in Lancaster and, as ever, Indy Res is proud to be at the heart of it!  Give us a follow on Linkedin or keep an eye on our “Passion” page to keep up to date on what we’re up to.  Also keep an eye out for us at Lancaster Chamber and Manufacturers Association events, and of course Tellus360 . . .


