Chris Tress
Chief Operating Officer
For a couple years I saw the exciting things that IndyRes was doing. They were expanding and getting involved with the ExtraGive and the US Women’s open. With IndyRes came the promise of creating things that not only help our clients but also transform the world around us. This seemed like an opportunity that I couldn’t miss.
Learning new things has always been part of my career. That’s where there fun comes in. Every new challenge is an opportunity to learn especially when it comes to the intersection of technology and human interaction.
I graduated Millersville University with a BS in Marketing / Communications with a minor concentration in Business Administration. Something inside me said that having a good foundation in both creativity and business would be a good idea.
My favorite place to be is working with a team on set in a fast paced environment or dreaming up a unique marketing campaign. These days I don’t get on set very often, but I enjoy working with a great team of people.
I’ve always made it my mission find beauty in the everyday. Often what seems to be very simple, is actually quite complicated and beautiful. So when it comes to projects or what might seem like mundane details, I find that appreciating the beauty in those things make me appreciate them all the more.
One of those details I enjoy is a freshly baked sourdough bread.