Ben Keener
I’ve always known I wanted to be a software engineer. Starting when I was little, I loved tinkering, taking things apart, and learning about how they worked on the inside. My first programming experience was in a JavaScript sandbox making simple shapes and little interactive programs. I immediately fell in love with programming and would actively look for ways to bring it into my hobbies.
I taught myself several programming languages, libraries, and tools to create things just for fun, but I knew I wanted to take it further. I decided to attend Holberton School in San Francisco for two years to get a certificate in Full Stack Software Engineering. While there I learned the fundamentals of engineering software and spent my second year focusing on AR and VR development.
Out of Holberton, I started working as a freelance engineer. I greatly enjoyed the variety these projects brought, but craved consistency and teammates that just weren’t there through my freelancing. Indyres checked all of these boxes for me. With an amazing team, solid principles, and an obvious desire to improve, joining Indyres was a no-brainer for me.
I love watching a project grow from an idea to a finished product. Being able to point at something that I helped create continues to drive me. Expanding my expertise and learning new skills with each task tickles the right part of my brain.
When I’m not punching 1s and 0s into the computer, you can probably find me trying to get a bolt loose on my car, playing video games like Forza with friends, or waiting for my made-to-order food at Sheetz.